Alan D. Malik, PhD
Alan earned a PhD in Electrical Engineering and Applied Physics specializing in Intelligent Systems through Case Western Reserve University. His time in grad school was pivotal in becoming aware of PPCR but it was a lifetime of experience that lead him to understand that we think and learn in personal and collective realities, independent of physical reality. It’s a shift in perspective that fundamentally changes how we think about the world.
The motivation for creating this blog is to provide some perspective for better managing the world coming at us. On the surface it appears that the world is spinning out of control with fear and anxiety ruling the day. However through the lens of PPCR we are actually doing okay. Our conflicts are a normal part of learning and dealing with change. Hopefully understanding PPCR will help you better manage your personal reality as well as help solve an array of systemic problems in our shared collective realities.
Carpe Diem