We all feel the sun, we all need to eat, though sometimes harsh ‘physical reality‘ exists. When we are conscious our brain uses our senses and memory to produce a livestream of its version of the physical reality around us. Not a virtual reality but our ‘personal reality‘, “I think therefore I am.” When we participate in collective behavior, part of our brain acts on behalf of the associated ‘collective reality‘, “We think therefore we are.” We think both personally and collectively and as we travel through life we find ourselves navigating Physical, Personal and Collective Reality (PPCR). PPCR is a simple and highly effective way to understand our world, enabling us to better navigate our journey through life.
I’m a dad, an engineer, a martial artist and I’ve been around the block more than a few times. When we look at the world through the lens of PPCR, contrary to what appears to be coming at us, we are actually doing okay, learning and adapting to a human evolutionary leap being driven by technology. Of course we can always do better.
I invite you to step back and rest, read some posts, evaluate and maybe learn a few things that will enable you to navigate your realities better. The featured posts in the order above, layout the basics of PPCR which we build on in future Think PPCR Blog posts to address systemic problems. In a nutshell, systemic problems have to be addressed with collective thinking which starts with what we think personally. Hopefully you will join me in not only improving your personal reality, but improving our collective realities as well.
Carpe Diem